Sunday, May 22, 2011

count down?

I missed you last week. I was in the throes of rehabbing a rental property that we own. Duh! Like I would work on a rental that I didn't own.  Plumbing has been my nemesis the last few weeks.  There are 4 sinks in the house and three of them were leaking.  One was an easy fix. The other two required replacing the entire faucet. 

On the heels of this great success, I went off and started working on a shower head at home, my problems were just getting started. The pipe broke off in the wall. So now we have a hole in the wall and I am searching for a tool that is the correct size so that I can back the stub out of the elbow that is attached to a wall stud. Bev loves it when I use technical plumber terms. I know that if I don't find the right tool on the next trip to the hardware store, I am going to just start hunting for the plumber's number.

I have procrastinated too long for this blog. Why put off until tomorrow what can be done today? Opps!  That's right. Harold Camping says that tomorrow will never come on earth for the saved. I heard it on the TV a month ago. Seeing a great opportunity; two weekends ago, I went and bought Bev an Ipad for Mother's Day. I put it on the plastic so now I don't have to pay. Take that Mr. Jobs.  Hah. It is a shame I needed to plant tomatoes for those left behind or Bev and I would have gone Lamborgini shopping today.

Only 5 and a half hours before the end of the world. I will try to make this blog a good one. . . Sorry, got destracted. Bev and I just watched the Apostle starring Robert Duval. I know that Netflix will let me keep it forever, but you really want to tie up those loose ends. That nagging feeling wondering if I had put the Netflix back in the mailbox would just dog me forever. Besides it wouldn't be right to deprive the atheist movie watchers of a "heart warming tale of redemption." They will need their comfort where they can get it. The movie was very good. But now there are only 2 and one half hours left. I have to get on this blog.

I wonder if we have a gallon of ice cream. . .  Ahhh; that hit the spot. Nothing says pre- rapture party like a bucket of Schwann's and a jar of hot fudge topping. Talk about guilt free calories. In 45 minutes, it will be just like I never ate it. It would appear that my decision to not start that exercise regime really paid off. You won't see no running track beyond those pearly gates. 

Opps! I have really got to get back to this blog.

Did you see that report on Robert Fitzpatrick the decipherer of the doomsday code? He was standing there looking at the big Times Square clock waiting for the momentous instant. Then at 6:00:15 he looks at his watch. Then everyone around him started jeering at him. What's it to them that he was wrong? He's the one out the $150,000 of his own money. So he believed in the wrong time. Give him a break. How many of you will send $150,000 off to the federal government believing that they will give it back to you when your “time” hits 65? How are we more right by making fun of him to his face? We should all do it behind his back like I am.

Poor guy; I looked at his deciphering of the doomsday code and he just made one tiny little error. It was at the beginning so it threw the whole timeline off. He would have gotten 80% partial credit in calculus. I know that you should be more careful when deciphering the end of the world but like the old joke says "what do you call the medical student who got C's ten years ago?  Doctor." Bob's error came in relying on EDST for the basis of his predictions. With all the time zones, and shifting time back and forth willy nilly just to suit our golf games, it is easy to see how he got confused.

If he would have properly used the knowledge of how much God loves the Clint Eastwood Marathon on Spike TV and how much He loathes Sondra Locke, he would have known that the end of the world is at 11:59 tonight. Just before  "Any Which Way You Can" started. Oh my! About 5 minutes from now. I had better let the dogs out and get them something to eat. The humane society will be pretty busy for a few days.

There: Here we go. 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Take c. . . .

Did you miss me at church this morning? I was just messin with you. I wanted you to wonder if I had been taken you had been left behind.


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