I have never been a big fan of year end top ten lists. That is what I tell myself over and over again for fear that if I admitted this hidden interest I might be compelled to buy certain reading material in the check out line. I have found that my current practice of choosing the longest line and cross referencing via sideway glances the head lines from the myriad of publications leads me to a close approximation of the truth. For instance; determine the false headline from the following.
- Tom Cruise is an arrogant sob that doesn’t deserve Katie Holmes
- Katie Holmes wonders why she got involved with an arrogant jerk like Tom Cruise.
- Tom Cruise is so arrogant that he doesn’t think that his poop stinks.
- Tom Cruise is 6 feet 4 inches tall.
Everybody knows that number 4 is the falsehood. He is barely a munchkin on steroids and he over compensates for his diminutive stature by being an arrogant jerk to Katie Holmes.
I admit it. I read all of the headlines and this time of year the headlines are all top ten lists. The worlds sexiest men, Top ten sports stories, Ten scariest Santas, Ten best gifts to get Roger Sharritt.
Well in an effort to keep up with the Jones’ Here are the top things to know about the “You said what Roger?
Top 4 blogs.
4. Twas the night after finals.
3. The snack that smiles back. (a surprise to me)
2. Turkey in the straw.
1. Girls gone wild. (which renews Grace’s faith in humanity that she didn’t get beat out by a turkey story).
The blog now has 7 followers which is pretty cool.
The blog now has readers in 8 countries. In ascending order, China , France , Germany , Denmark , Canada , Poland , Turkey , and the US .
The readers are equally split between Windows users and Mac users. It is always interesting that as I put out the notice on facebook, the PC audience grows and as Grace puts out a notice the Mac crowd grows significantly. Ah to be young and hip and to own a Mac.
In all, I am very grateful for all the support that you have shown this endeavor over the past three months. But then again does three months an endeavor make? I think not. Lark maybe. Yes a lark. In all, I am very grateful for all the support that you have shown this lark over the past three months.
Here’s to a good new year.
Take care
p.s. You will notice a new feature at the bottom of the blog page. It is called One true fan. It is supposed to give more feedback on readership. It tries to encourage blog sharing and readership. I am not sure if I will like it, but a new year is a time to try new things.