Saturday, April 30, 2016

A Little Political Clarity

Dear Blog Reader.

I hope that this finds you doing well. I have never been better. Never in my life has there been a Presidential primary election that mattered in Indiana. That has all changed now. Next Tuesday, it matters, at least on the Republican side. I know that I have some readers who will say that the nomination process is undemocratic or unconstitutional. You readers are not along. I am in a hotel in Iowa this morning waiting for a nephew's wedding. The breakfast buffet included Fox TV. I had to listen to the "smartest people in the room" tell me that It wasn't fair. To you (and them) I say, "I am sorry your education was so sorely lacking." It is simply not your responsibility to decide who will the republican or democrat party's nominee. (Presumably, the person most likely to bring success in the general election.) it is the members of the republican or democrat parties responsibility to decide. If you don't think that it is fair get over it, or get your own political party and nominate your own candidate any fair way you choose.

My political education was extensive and hands on. Estelle and Lloyd Sharritt immersed me in art of political warfare at a young age. My mom spent many an early May day at the polls challenging democrats requesting republican ballots. Another time, I remember running home crying because two high school kids were obviously bullying by chanting "Humphrey, Humphrey, He's our man. We'll throw Nixon in the garbage can." How could they be so mean? How could they be so stupid. When I was 11 years old, I watched all of the Watergate Hearings. I watched in fascination as big old jowly Sam Ervin questioned Halderman and Eirlichman. I seethed when that traitorous Howard Baker crossed the aisle in bipartisanship to sink Nixon's ship. Each day my father reassured me that these were things that all presidents had done. Nixon just got caught. There was even an episode when members of the John Birch society were out to ruin mom and dad. I have to admit that my recollections are fuzzy with regards to this event. I only remember hushed dinner conversations and the promise to shoot those people if they show up.

So you can imagine the glee that I find in this hot political climate. We are a country that was forged in full scaled rebellion based on the political suppositions of representation. We are a country that had to go through armed rebellion to answer the question of state's rights and people's rights. A little anger at a Trump Rally is a minor kerfuffel. This is democracy. We are people with varying opinions. We will reach some sort of consensus by our collective November vote.

So the participants on the ballot, comes down to Hoosiers. On Tuesday, we will walk into the polling place, request our ballots, step to the machine and place our vote.

Who will we vote for? One of 5 people will win our proud Hoosier votes. Who will you vote for? As fate would have it, I mentioned earlier in this blog that I have traveled to Iowa for a wedding this weekend. Iowa the place that the primaries began last January. Eight hours on the road thinking about primary season, gave me the perfect opportunity to weigh the pro's and con's of each of the candidates. These eight hours have resulted in 10 limericks (one pro and one con for each of the candidates.)

I share them here with you, a gift of clarifying poetry to help you make an educated selection next Tuesday.

They say I should mention Kasich
Although, Indiana he did ditch.
A moderate sort,
He failed to thwart,
With his party-line centerist pitch.

The firebrand candidate Trump,
Whose celebrity gave him a bump.
They say, "it's a sin,
If he should win,
The country will slide to the dump."

They say he looks like a Munster,
He certainly isn't a funster.
The moderates whine,
'Bout his conservative line,
Ted Cruz is still trailing the Trumpster.

There once was a Madam named Hillary
Whose mouth brings to mind loud artillery,
Her email kerfuffle
Some feathers did ruffle,
She, Republicans all want to pillary.

There once was a commie named Sanders.
Voted in by many Vermont-landers.
What's yours is mine,
He things is just fine,
A Mercedes for all the pan-handlers.

All the fans of little Teddy Cruz
Say that he should never ever lose.
The constitution is pure.
To be followed for sure.
President Hillary would make them drink booze.

My job was shipped overseas
All I want to do is work, yes please.
I am a Trump fan
He is the man.
I'm begging you down on my knees.

They say she has tons of experience.
So how can you still ride the fence?
In the Senate she rocked.
At state was top jock.
Her brain is rather immense.

Oh Bernie will care for the poor.
Banks and Wall Street he'll choose to abhor.
With college, he's shown,
You won't need a loan.
All to show Hillary the door.

Yes, John's the only one sane.
SO don't throw your vote down the drain.
He won't rock the boat,
And keep us afloat
And won't cause the Democrats pain.

Happy voting.
Take Care.


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