Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Fireflies are for What?

Dearest Blog Reader;

I hope that this finds you doing well. I am fine. I am sitting here on my father throne soaking up the adoration of my minions . . . I mean children. Father's Day is the pivot point of a very important month for me. Annually, June is the harbinger of three celebratory days for me. I'm not Jewish, but when my Sunday school teacher was telling me Old Testament stories with the flannel board cutouts, it seemed to me that the Jews were always down in Jerusalem celebrating something or another.

Tu B’Shevat, Fast of Esther (Taanit Esther), Purim, Shushan Purim, Fast of the Firstborn, Passover (1st day), Passover (final day), Yom Hashoah, Yom Hazikaron, Yom Ha’atzmaut, Lag B’Omer, Yom Yerushalayim, Shavuot (1st day), 17th Tammuz, Tisha B’Av, Rosh Hashanah (1st day), Fast of Gedalliah, Yom Kippur, Sukkot, Hoshanah Rabbah, Shemini Atzeret, Simchat Torah, Hanukkah.

Please, don't be impressed with my knowledge of Jewish celebrations. My Sunday school teacher didn't know Hanukkah from the Twelve Days of Christmas. I owe all of my knowledge to that wizard behind the screen: Mr. Google.

It is a holiday calendar that would cause a school boy to wet his pants in expectation. "Time for school Tommy." "Not today mom. It's Shavuot, first day. I get the rest of the week off." "Get your uncircumcised butt down here young man. You're going to school today." "Mom stop trampling my religious rights." "I give you religious rights with the back of my hand. Now get down here right now. And don't even think about walking down here in that Yakama on young man."

June gives me a small taste of that sweet celebratory life. In fact, it is a little better than the Jewish celebrations. Because rather than being all about God this or Supreme Being that, it's all about me. Well not completely, the first celebration is balanced and shared with the lovely Bev. We celebrate our anniversary every year on June 8. Of course, its actually June 5th, but I can't bring myself to break Bev's spirit by correcting her year after year. So we compromise, we celebrated 27 years of wedded bliss this past June 8th, and I got the satisfaction of knowing that I was right on the 5th.

Then in the middle of the month, it is time to get funky on Dad's day; breakfast in bed, chocolate amaretto pie for lunch, with a nightcap of double stuff Oreos. I am living the dream. Phone calls come in. I get accessories for my Big Green Egg. I am living large.

I know what you're thinking. How do you top off two celebrations like that? You focus. You say to yourself, "Damn it! It's my birthday coming up and it's going to be something special." It helps too that I have found a good marketing gimmick. Rather than have people think oh Roger gets three celebrations in one month I'm skimping on a present, I package them all together. That's right! We celebrate the trifecta in the realm of Sharritt. Once defined how can you not want to reach a crescendo on the last "part" of the celebration. I feel like the Whos down in Whoville; Oh the noise, noise, noise, noise!

"A bit grandeous, don't you think master Sharritt?" I used to think so. Then around age ten, I realized that even God was getting in on the celebration. What else could explain the existence of lightning bugs. Every year we would see one or two early June or late May. The earliest recorded sighting at the Sharritt farm was May 26. Never earlier. They weren't faked out by an 80 degree March. Nosiree!

That is because they are not warm weather loving insects. No, they are Roger's birthday celebrating accoutrements from God. Building, and building, and building, and building! Until the third week of June, with the celebration so out of proportion in those blinking taillights, the earth actually changes its relationship with the sun. The northern hemisphere tilts away and we take our slow, spiraling descent to the winter solstice and seasonal affective disorder in the afterglow of that humdinger of a party.

I can't deny it. It makes me happy to think these things. How do I respond to my detractors and their whispers of "delusions of grandeur"?

I'm just glad there's someone in New Zealand with a birthday on December 22 to get it heading back my way.

Take care.


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