Sunday, February 15, 2015

Jealously raises its ugly (pale) head?

Dear Blog Reader

I hope that this finds you doing well. I am fine. It is a bright Sunday morning. We have sent our best to friends in New England. We figured that we would try to help them inflate their footballs with 26 mph sustained winds and gusts of over 40 mph. So we have sent our little gusts of wind over the tundra to mix with the moisture off of the coast and viola what were some gusty winds and a few intense snow showers will be a full blown blizzard for you.
 Enjoy! Gorgeous days like today temp me to run out and take a picture of the nearest sunbathed
thermometer hovering around 10 degrees. Then I will download it to Facebook and taunt all of my friends who have ran off to Palm Springs and Florida and places of warmth. “Weather’s great here. Can’t wait until you get back.” Yeah we can’t wait until you get back because you are going to be the first ones we eat when things get tough. Make sure to keep basting in that coconut oil suntan lotion. Yummy.

I swear that is what is going to happen if any more of you send back pictures of your tropic destination with sun, surf, and sand in the background. Have a little pity. I have used the pages of this blog to try to get you to show a little restraint in the past. But you blithely go and taunt us; the wretched ones staying behind, feeding your cats, walking your dogs, bringing in the paper, and making sure that your water pipes did not freeze. You repay these acts of kindness with some shells and pictures of paradise that deepen our winter of discontent.

I know that I should be happy for you. You earned it. You have been a great neighbor. Enjoy, take a break. Relax and rejuvenate. Does it mean that I am a small minded, petty, jealous person? I am afraid that it does. It is time to name my shortcomings, repent and hopefully struggle to become a little better person. "Great tan friend!"

Take care.


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